Best Linux Mint Desktop Themes
Theming your Linux system will provide another road for refreshing your experience on a Linux system. Be it a full-fledged theme or an icon theme, your Linux user experience will enhance and develop.
You can customize your system in two ways; with suitable wallpapers and modification of the system look. Many themes are already available to add versatility and style to the system. It depends on the explicitly of the user’s mind to find new and mind-blowing wallpapers. You have to download them yourself to customize your system. This article lists some of the best Linux mint desktop themes you can add to your system to enhance your experience.
Our Top Picks
Below are the 8 best Linux mint desktop themes in 2023.
Keep reading for a detailed review of the best Linux mint desktop themes.
Review: Best Linux Mint Desktop Themes.
1. Canta – Overall Best Linux Mint Desktop Theme
This theme is one of the most popular mint themes for Linux. It is compatible with all major desktop environments, including Xfce, GNOME, unity, and all other GTK 2 and GTK 3-based ones.
This theme has a flat material design that delivers a cool window look as well as an icon pack. To download canta, follow these steps:
- First, ensure that your system comes up with all dependencies.
- Run this Command:
Sudo apt install git gtk2-engines-murrine gtk-engines-pixbuf
- Now get the canta theme for GitHub by this:
Git clone
- Now run the installation:
- cd ~/Canta-theme/
- sudo chmod +x
- sudo ./
2. Vimix
Vimix is one of the most aesthetic and impressive-looking themes for Linux mint desktops. Its flat and material design is according to the latest design trends. You can get this theme in dark, light, and multiple colors to customize your system just as you want. To download Vimix, follow these commands.
To download:
- git clone
To install:
- cd vimix-gtk-themes/
- sudo ./
3. Arc Theme
Arc theme is popular for customizing any Linux desktop or window manager. It gives you subtle colors rather than high-saturating colors. Arc theme is known for adding a mature and classy touch to your desktop by providing subtle color schemes. To download the arc theme, follow this command:
- sudo apt install arc-theme
4. Paper
This is also a slim material design theme that offers eye comfort and an exciting experience. Paper offers its very own icon pack to match the system’s complete look. It was developed by Sam Hewitt, the man behind the moka project that considered the best theme developer for the Linux environment. It will give your system a polished and premium look. Follow these steps to download and install Paper.
Run this command to get this theme from GitHub:
$ git clone
Run these commands to install it:
- $ cd ~/paper-gtk-theme/
- $ sudo chmod +x
- $ sudo ./
You can get the icon pack of this theme by running this command:
- $ sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:snwh/ppa
- $ sudo apt-get install paper-icon-theme
5. Evopop
Evopop is a stylish theme known for initially being the main design of the Solus project. You can also enjoy the features of this theme on your Linux mint. There are two ways to get this theme: running the installation script or building it from the source. Since option one is easy, we recommend this. Follow these steps to download and install This Theme.
To get it from Github:
$git clone
To install Evopop Theme:
- $ cd ~/evopop-gtk-theme/
- $ sudo chmod +x
- $ sudo chmod +x
- $ sudo ./
6. Arrongin
If you are not looking for a material design, Arrongin is a great pick. It’s flat to ensure a minimalistic and charming look. It will give a different flavor and new experience. To download and install this theme, follow these commands.
To install its dependencies, run this command:
$ sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
Install it in your system by running these commands.
- $ tar -xvJf Extra-2.4.tar.xz
- $ tar -xvJf Arrongin-Buttons-Right.tar.xz
- # Or you can try the below:
- $ tar -xvJf Arrongin-Buttons-Left.tar.xz
- $ cd ~/Extra-2.4
- $ mkdir -p ~/Pictures/Arrongin-wallpapers/
- $ mv *.png ~/Pictures/Arrongin-wallpapers/
- $ sudo mv Arrongin-Buttons-Left /usr/share/themes/
- # Or you can try the below:
- $ sudo mv Arrongin-Buttons-Right /usr/share/themes/
7. Abrus
This is a stylish GTK design for desktop environments that supports GTK 2 and GTK 3. Its dark theme is best for eye comfort and adding maturity and style to the system. To download and install this theme, run the following commands.
To install dependencies:
$ sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf
Get it from GitHub:
$ git clone
To install:
- $ cd ~/Abrus-gtk-theme
- $ sudo chmod +x Install
- $ sudo ./Install
8. Stylish
As the name says, this is a stylish and flat material design theme for GTK. It will make you satisfied with many features. You can download and install it by running the following commands:
To install dependencies:
$ sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf libxml2-utils
To Get it from GitHub:
$ git clone
To install Stylish:
- $ cd ~/stylish-gtk-theme/
- $ sudo chmod +x Install
- $ sudo ./Install
To Update it with an updated script:
$ ./update-stylish-online
Is Linux mint good for desktop?
Linux mint is safe, reliable, and easy to handle due to software updates and the robustness of its architecture. Since it does not have egressions, antivirus, anti-spyware, and other built-in software, it may require little maintenance.
Is Linux Mint customizable?
There are plenty of customization options in Linux Mint, ranging from changing the look of the system and desktop environment to configuring different tools and software. You can customize various themes, icons, and extensions according to your liking.
Does Linux mint have a dark theme?
You can switch between light and dark modes with a single click once you have configured the applet with your default light mode, dark mode themes, and wallpapers.
Which Linux mint flavor is best?
The most popular and most used flavor of Linux Mint is the Cinnamon edition. This flavor was developed for and by Linux mint. The Cinnamon edition is beautiful, slick, and full of new, friendly, and incredible features.
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