how to see blocked messages on iphone

How To See Blocked Messages On iPhone

Once you block a number on your iPhone, you won’t be able to recover any calls, messages, or facetime from that contact. Blocking a number notifies your phone that you are not interested in the texts and calls from that particular contact. No section in the iPhone allows you to see the messages sent from blocked numbers. Your phone ensures you will never see any connection with the blocked number. 

If you want to see messages from a blocked number on your iPhone, you have to unblock that phone number. In this article, we have listed some methods of how to see blocked messages on iPhone.

1- Unblock The Blocked Contact 

You have to unblock the contact to see messages from that number. Here is how to do it.

Now you can see messages from this number. 

2- Use a Messages Filter

If you are receiving messages from unknown phone numbers that aren’t in your contact list, you can put a filter in the messages. There is an option on your phone that will sort the unwanted messages in another tab. Using a filter for unwanted messages makes managing such messages efficient without blocking them. Here is how you can turn on the Filter in messages: 

Now you will see two tabs on the top of your messages—one for the contacts in your list and one for unknown senders. 

3- From iCloud

If the iCloud backup was enabled before you blocked the contact and messages from it, you can recover the messages from the iCloud account. This method only works if iCloud backup was already turned On for messages. Here is how to do this:

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